Professional EAD System (e-learning)

The acronym EAD stands for “Distance Learning”. In other words, it refers to courses offered in an online format, different from the classic model, where the student goes to the location and has contact with teachers and colleagues.

Thus, in EAD classes take place virtually, without the need for the physical presence of students and teachers. This way, the student can follow the topics wherever they want and during their learning time.

This does not mean that he has no obligations to fulfill. The model also requires the student to have good grades in tests and presence in subject modules. The difference is that the student can attend classes at the desired time.

Characteristics of a good EAD platform

A good EAD platform must have all the features and structure to create online courses. However, when planning your course and producing content, it is essential to make sure that the system will offer full conditions for developing your activities. It is important to be careful in your choice and be aware of its functions so as not to have problems in the future.

An efficient EAD platform must offer a clean and organized layout, in addition to all the necessary resources so that communication between tutors and students is established in the best possible way. Another important issue is the value of this service. Even platforms that work for free cannot fall short of those that are paid.

On the other hand, a paid EAD platform must be affordable and have complete and professional features. Faced with the growth in distance learning offers, a problem arises: inefficient and incomplete distance learning platforms. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention when deciding to hire an EAD platform.

It is recommended to check whether the system has efficient features for transmitting content through videos. Furthermore, the virtual environment must be visually attractive and intuitive, without offering any navigation difficulties. To avoid compromising the efficiency of your distance learning course, it is essential to pay attention to everything the system offers.

There are still many doubts about the best distance learning platform. Many people don’t know exactly what it takes to create a quality online course. Therefore, we are going to give you some tips to help you in this process. By following the instructions below you will be successful in your venture.

Professional and Complete Video Structure

The ideal platform must have a structure that allows the management of video classes. Therefore, it is essential that the chosen EAD platform has a great foundation so that the videos work properly and professionally. This is a determining factor in whether your online course is successful.

Sync between Slides and Videos

Another very useful feature in a virtual learning environment is the option to offer synchronization between slides and videos. In a simultaneous presentation, slides with diverse content can be shown throughout the video. This is a great method that the EAD platform can offer, due to the way it captures the student’s attention and motivates them to interact with the content.


Working with content in real time through videos is a good opportunity because it favors the exposure of more specific topics. Furthermore, it is possible to evaluate opinions, clarify doubts and encourage interactivity between students and teachers.

Currently, it is essential to have a well-designed EAD platform, with efficient mechanisms. This is because it diversifies the way students participate in activities, based on the subjects available. Know that you will need this in your online course.

Intuitive LMS

The learning management system is called LMS (Learning Management System). Various resources can be made available there, which contributes to the teaching-learning system. Therefore, dealing with a robust system, with all the required qualities, is essential for the success of system management. Furthermore, it must be intuitive and offer ease of understanding for students.

It is possible to plan, create and develop activities efficiently, meeting the needs of the course. A complete system makes it easier for students to communicate, and this must be considered when choosing a good distance learning system.


On an EAD platform, everything can be customized, from logos, colors and content structure. It is possible to customize the most appropriate plan developed with the aim of facilitating communication between everyone involved in the distance learning process. Many people may think that this is not important, but research shows that appropriate visuals in online courses have a beneficial influence on student learning.

Therefore, it is essential that you check whether the distance learning platform you are purchasing offers these possibilities. This will ensure you don’t have any problems later. Using this resource, it is easier to create a unique image that is different from other online courses. So, think about this when creating yours.

Integrated platform

No matter the size, whether small, medium or large, each company has different needs. With these particularities in mind, an EAD platform, no matter how complete it is, needs to incorporate some additional functions to enable each client to have their needs met.

Therefore, it is essential that the EAD platform offers modern technological tools that adapt to the reality of its users, as well as integration with applications. It is recommended that the company that has the EAD platform adjusts to the continuous process of evolution of its client and not the other way around.

Pay attention to this issue, as it is a topic that must be taken into account when choosing the best education system. Moving numerous integrations ensures that the course is more complete, personalized and flexible. Furthermore, ensuring good solutions for those who are investing in an online course.


Forums are common on internet sites, being an important component when it comes to distance learning. A forum improves the virtual learning environment because it allows discussions of ideas based on relevant content and the sharing of information between students and teachers. This encourages the participation of everyone involved in the process to share experiences and knowledge.

This makes it easier to conduct debates in classes, based on reading articles or other material related to the subject covered. In this way, through forums, relevant themes in the learning process end up being assimilated in a more satisfactory way, as this language reaches the student in a less formal and more open way. In the forum, colleagues also practice group work, as mutual cooperation occurs when one helps the other.

Automatic Certification

Another important point in an EAD platform is automatic certification. This is an alternative that offers personalized parameters, for example: the student will receive the certificate after completing 75% of the online activities. Thus, the system automatically generates the receipt if the student has met this requirement.

Other criteria can be developed, such as performance in online tests, participation in discussion forums, attendance, among others. This avoids the increased costs of printing and sending the certificate by mail.

Safe System

Make sure the contracted system is safe. Make sure the platform has protection protocols against hacker actions. It is important to offer students content that is safe on an EAD platform. This must be a priority so that the material has its intellectual property secured.

It is also essential to see if the website is certified. To do this, look at the end of the right navigation bar (it should have a green icon). By clicking on this symbol, you can see the security certificates. If the site is encrypted, it tends to offer a secure connection, making system intrusions difficult.