Content Update

You have a tool that allows you to easily update the content of your website yourself.

Do you have a static website and simply don’t have the desire or time to make the necessary updates through a content management tool?

Then the services can be charged for the hours worked or upon signing an update contract.

How important is updating content for SEO?

Anyone who has a website certainly wants to see it at the top of Google and have thousands of hits. The quantity of texts produced nowadays has intensified the competition for the top positions. But did you know that, by updating content for SEO, you can improve your rankings considerably?

Think like a user searching for information: would you click on an old text, where some concepts probably no longer exist? Or would you look for the most recent source to update yourself? Renewing content is important in this regard alone.

And also because Google is constantly working on its algorithms, improving the user experience. A poorly updated text inevitably leads to the end of research.

If you don’t want this to happen to your website, but you also don’t have time to create all the material from scratch, stay here and learn simple techniques to update your content and maintain its SEO relevance.

Knowing more about SEO

It’s not enough to write a text. You need to create quality content with features that make it more friendly for Google to display to its users.

It is with this concern that the use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) arises. It is a resource of tools and strategies adopted in a text or even an entire website, to make it more attractive to Google.

This search engine’s team of developers works tirelessly to improve the algorithms that scan content on the web. At the end of each day, new resources are added, providing better results for the search user the next day.

Billions of pages around the world are scanned for new content, updates, access amounts, user retention percentage, sites referencing them (link building), among other resources.

The system ranks the “best” among its more than 200 criteria and displays them in the first search positions.

What many don’t know is that content that is not updated no longer passes through this scan, as the mechanism has become so intelligent that it no longer wastes time scanning content that has probably lost relevance and does not add anything new to the web.

All the more reason to start reviewing already published texts today.

Adding words

Is a simple addition of words to your text enough for Google to view it as new content, improving your position in searches?

Many believe so, some swear not.

The truth is that SEO is not a ready-made recipe or magic formula. Adding a paragraph or words throughout the text can even benefit you. But before taking action, it is worth evaluating whether this strategy could harm the relevance of the material.

Also see if the addition can change your keyword optimization. You can take advantage of the moment and also review the use of these search terms. Check if there are little explored keywords or long term terms that can increase the search volume for your article.

If you choose to add addendums, check whether the content really adds value to the user. Also check whether the subject of the post allows updating or whether it is a temporary text, whose information is only valid for a certain year or era.

If you analyzed the post and felt the need to add the paragraph, go ahead.

Including new information to update content for SEO
When relevant, updating your text with the latest information on the topic, in addition to improving Google’s scannability of your website, captivates your audience and generates credibility for the content you publish.

People look favorably on those who do the work of research and always bring the most relevant information on a given topic. Showing that you, in addition to working to generate the original text, sought out information that would improve it even further, generates points (and visits) in your favor.

In addition to updating the information, also change the posting date. Your click-through rate will increase as users tend to click on newer texts in search of more accurate content.

And, once again, Google tends to keep articles with higher click-through rates at the top of searches. One thing leads to another, you know?

Redirecting old URLs

In some cases, when updating content for SEO, it is worth changing the URL of a page if the address is too long, or it may be necessary to add a keyword to the address to optimize on-page SEO.

If this is the case, don’t forget to use “Redirect 301” for the new URL. In addition to avoiding the user’s bad impression when clicking on an invalid page, you also transmit authority from the previous page to the new page, without problems.

Retargeting is not a tactic to be used indiscriminately. A careful assessment is necessary to find out what is most worthwhile in each situation.

Removing Links in Content Update for SEO

All SEO-optimized text is built with a good external link structure. Linking to good sources guarantees credibility for your text and improves visibility in search engines.

But have you ever gone back to texts from 2, 3 years ago and checked if these links are still working?

Every now and then we lose some external guidance, it happens. What cannot happen is leaving your website showing invalid links, as Google will definitely be penalized.

So, you can update your content for SEO when you remove these old directions. You can also take advantage of and analyze the link building that is in operation, replacing it with more current and more credible sources, when possible.

Including new media in old posts

Google needs to see that your content is new. It will also value social proof that shows its relevance.

When you revitalize your content with different media, especially audio, video and infographic resources, the engine notices the site’s efforts to bring valuable and broad content to the user.

With these graphic additions, your article becomes more eye-catching and likely to be shared on social networks, directly and indirectly increasing the traffic and relevance of your text.

Take advantage and post new content on social platforms and generate more engagement and conversions on this existing text.

Ultimately, updating content for SEO can and should be used for any website, requires little work and generates good results in traffic and engagement. If you need help with this task or prefer an in-depth analysis that minimizes risks in this change in marketing strategy, talk to our experts and see which techniques are best for your website specifically.